Rector`s Committee for the Gender Equality Plan
Rector’s Plenipotentiary of Equality

Personal data of plenipotentiary

Joanna Dłużniewska, PhD, BEng
Rector's Plenipotentiary for Equality
address: al. Mickiewicza 21, 31-120 Krakow
room no: 426b
phone: (+48) 12 662 44 00
e-mail: joanna.dluzniewska[a]
correspondence address: 31-120 Kraków, al. Mickiewicza 21

Tasks of the Plenipotentiary

The tasks of the Rector's Plenipotentiary for Equality include taking actions for equal treatment and equal opportunities for all members of the University community, in particular:

  1. monitoring the implementation of equality measures specified in the Gender Equality Plan of the University of Agriculture in Krakow,
  2. collecting information on good equality practices and their dissemination,
  3. promoting and disseminating equal treatment and anti-discrimination standards,
  4. informing about equality courses and training,
  5. acting as a consultation and contact point in matters of discrimination,
  6. regularly informing the University community about the progress in the implementation of the equality policy,
  7. providing administrative support in the field of equality issues and collecting documentation of these matters,
  8. cooperation with the Rector's Committee for the Gender Equality Plan.

University of Agriculture in Krakow
Al. Mickiewicza 21
12 633 13 36
12 633 62 45
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REGON: 000001815
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